We're with you

An update on our COVID support measures

Sadly, the ongoing COVID situation has worsened in recent weeks, with lockdowns in multiple states, and the Delta strain of the virus proving highly transmissible.

Here at First Alliance Federal Credit Union, we understand that this could mean a loss of income and the possibility of facing financial difficulties for some of our members. That’s a tough situation to be in, especially as it’s caused by factors totally out of your control.

Financial assistance

If you are facing financial challenges, I want you to know that we’ve got your back.  We have a range of hardship assistance measures available to help you get through these difficult times and out the other side. That can include measures like reduced or deferred loan repayments, fee waivers, or early redemption of Term Deposits. We also understand that everyone’s situation is different, so any assistance measures we provide can be tailored to your individual circumstances. The best way to find out how we can help is to call 13 14 22 to discuss your needs with one of our team members.

Assisting the most vulnerable

To assist our most vulnerable members, and those working on the front line, we've established special phone lines for seniors, emergency services workers and healthcare workers so that we can help them with their banking over the phone, in a fast-tracked way. 

To access these special phone lines, members must:

  • Hold a Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, State Seniors Cards, or;
  • Be a healthcare or emergency services worker and hold an AHPRA card, or be able to provide proof of their workplace

Emergency Services and Healthcare Workers Hotline

07 4694 9007

Seniors Hotline

07 4694 9081 

Using our branches

As an essential service, our branches remain open so we can help you, even in lockdown areas. We do ask that you follow all government protocols and adopt COVID-safe behaviour when visiting our branches. That means using QR codes to check in, wearing a mask if required, and abiding by restrictions on the number of members allowed. Our goal is to meet your banking needs in a COVID-safe and friendly way.

Alternative ways to bank with us

We understand that many people may not want to come into a branch at the moment, or may be self-isolating as a safety precaution. We offer a wide range of alternative banking channels, including our online banking service, our mobile app, and telephone banking. We also have a 24/7 Contact Centre, so our American-based staff are ready and able to take your calls at any time of the day or night.  

To find out more about alternative banking services visit our Ways to Bank hub or call 13 14 22.

Assisting our staff

I know many of our members care deeply about the well-being of our staff. I can assure you that keeping our people safe during COVID is a top priority for us. We have strict hygiene and cleaning protocols in place, including closing our branches early each day to allow time for a thorough clean.  We also offer our staff members Paid Pandemic Leave to have a COVID vaccination, to undergo a COVID test, while isolating to await test results, or if they are diagnosed with COVID.

The COVID situation will be with us for some time to come, and First Alliance Federal Credit Union remains committed to helping our members through any difficulties they might face. I firmly believe that widespread vaccination is the best pathway for us to achieve a return to normality, so please take the time to seek medical advice about the right option for your circumstances.

We’re here to support you. Thank you for banking with First Alliance Federal Credit Union.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Lock
CEO, First Alliance Federal Credit Union Corporation

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